Nidhi Prayas

Sponsored by NSTEDB, DST, this scheme has a provision of a grant of upto INR 10 Lakhs for the purpose of prototype development. The scheme is available to the hardware startups who are physical incubatees at Catalyst.

NSTEDB-DST Grant: Fueling Prototype Development for Hardware Startups

Maximum Funding per startup: INR 10 Lacs

Catalyst invites applications for prototype level projects under the NIDHI-PRAYAS scheme of the NSTEDB, DST. This grant will be utilized by young and aspiring innovators to convert their ideas into a prototype. The period of prototyping support can be up to 18 months.

Purpose: Prototyping, Funding Agency: NSTEDB, DST
Objectives of Nidhi Prayas:
  • To enable the translation of an innovative idea to a prototype.
  • To support faster experimentation and the idea to market journey.
  • To generate innovative solutions relevant to local and global problems.
  • To attract a large number of youth who demonstrates problem-solving zeal and abilities.
  • To work on their new technology/knowledge/innovation-based startups.
  • To build a vibrant innovation ecosystem, by establishing a network between innovators, academia, mentors, and incubators.
Why should startups apply?
  • To translate an innovative idea to a prototype.
  • To get a platform for faster experimentation and modification in approach.
  • To generate innovative solutions relevant to local and global problems.
  • Access to infrastructure and prototype building facility and mentorship.
  • The prayasee can get a prototype grant limited to a maximum of Rs 10.00 lakhs for making the prototype of the innovative idea.
Background on Nidhi-Prayas Scheme

National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovations (NIDHI) is an umbrella program conceived and developed by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship division, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, for nurturing ideas and innovations (knowledge-based and technology-driven) into successful startups.

The NIDHI-Promotion and Acceleration of Young and Aspiring technology entrepreneurs (NIDHI-PRAYAS) program, is one of the programs introduced under NIDHI, focuses on addressing the idea to prototype funding gap. This is a program designed to attract a large number of youngsters to come forward to try out their ideas and try to see if they will work in real-life business situations. If selected, such selected applicants are referred to as PRAYASEE’s.

Eligibility Criteria:

Any individual applying for PRAYAS has to be an Indian Citizen with a government approved proof of nationality such as a valid passport, voter’s id etc. The applicant should be in the age group of minimum of 18 years, as on date of application.